Creates a new signing key from a seed.
import { SeedKey } from 'terra.js';
const sk = new SeedKey({ seed: '...' });
const seed = SeedKey.seedFromMnemonic('...);
Raw private key, in bytes.
Buffer containing the seed.
Account address.
Signs a SignDoc with the method supplied by the child class.
Signs a [[StdSignMsg]] with the method supplied by the child class. only used Amino sign
sign-message of the transaction to sign
You will need to supply sign
, which produces a signature for an arbitrary bytes payload
with the ECDSA curve secp256pk1.
Signs a Tx and adds the signature to a generated StdTx that is ready to be broadcasted.
Validator address.
Implements a BIP39 mnemonic wallet with standard key derivation from a word list. Note that this implementation exposes the private key in memory, so it is not advised to use for applications requiring high security.