A redelegation is when a delegator decides to stop staking with one validator and
transfer their delegation to another validator. Rather than unbonding (which takes
some time) and re-staking, the funds can be redelegated immediately if a
Redelegation.Entry can be created.
A redelegation, like an unbonding delegation, is implemented through
Redelegation.Entry objects, limited by the max_entry parameter in the staking
module params. For each pair of source and target validators, you cannot redelegate
more times than the amount of entries. Entries are cleared when the redelegation is
completed, the same amount of time as unbonding.
A redelegation is when a delegator decides to stop staking with one validator and transfer their delegation to another validator. Rather than unbonding (which takes some time) and re-staking, the funds can be redelegated immediately if a Redelegation.Entry can be created.
A redelegation, like an unbonding delegation, is implemented through Redelegation.Entry objects, limited by the
parameter in the staking module params. For each pair of source and target validators, you cannot redelegate more times than the amount of entries. Entries are cleared when the redelegation is completed, the same amount of time as unbonding.